Gen Brewer
Gen is a Diploma qualified and experienced Pilates Instructor and she is super excited to share her passion for Pilates (and life!) with you.
Finding Pilates was a real game changer for Gen! After 10 years as a competitive swimmer with a very high intensity training schedule, nothing has ever made her feel as well balanced, aligned and as strong as she does after a Pilates class. This is why she embarked on her journey as a Pilates Instructor and she has never looked back!
Gen has a passion for helping people achieve a healthy, active and fulfilling lifestyle. Her boutique Pilates studio, Sea Change Pilates, began in 2019, as a home based Pilates Studio specialising in clinical Pilates. Gen has taught Pilates at various studios and loves sharing her knowledge and passion with everyone along the way.
"Finding Pilates has truly changed my life. It is so rewarding to see the way Pilates now changes the lives of those around me".
- Gen Brewer

"In 10 Pilates sessions you'll feel the difference, in 20 you'll see the difference and in 30 you'll have a new body".
Joseph Pilates