Mandy Spooner
Mandy brings sustainability and low-tox living to the world in a simple and easy to digest way, helping people create ongoing daily habits that contribute to the restoration of our precious earth.
Mandy is super passionate and knowledgeable about reducing toxins and waste, especially plastic packaging, and educates and inspires you on how to minimise your impact on the planet.
Mandy’s journey started in 2018 when she read an article by Sarah Wilson that said takeaway coffee cups were not recyclable! She remembers saying out loud "yes they are" which of course is what we are led to believe.
Mandy then started researching and was shocked to find out how much single use plastic we use on a daily basis and how much of it can't be recycled. It was heartbreaking for her to see the effect it was having on our planet.
Since then, Mandy has began to make a big effort to stop using single use items and replace them with eco-friendly options. She started sharing her swaps with others and quickly created a big following helping others to do the same!
We are so privelaged to welcome Mandy to the Earthly team and we are super excited for you to dive deep into all the do’s and dont’s of recycling efficiently, eliminating waste and reducing water usage and toxins.

"Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good."
Jochen Zeitz